Data Innovation Framework: Discover, Design, Deliver

The D3 Model – Helping Business Owners to Harness the Power of their Data


Unveiling Your Business's Potential

Our collaborative effort focuses on pinpointing crucial challenges and prospects. This initial step ensures that as we advance into the design stage, we are equipped with a mutual vision and thorough understanding.

In this phase, we delve into your organisation’s data infrastructure and analytics capabilities. Our focus is to understand how data flows through your business and identify the critical touchpoints where data science can enhance decision-making and operational efficiency.

We examine your current data practices, tools, and technologies to gain insights into your analytics maturity. This understanding is pivotal for us to tailor our data science strategies in a way that seamlessly integrates with your existing processes and supports your product development lifecycle.

Building on our foundational understanding, we now focus on pinpointing the key challenges and opportunities where data science can make a significant impact. This involves analysing your data for trends, patterns, and insights that can inform product development and business optimisation.

We also look at how agile methodologies can be applied or improved in your workflow to enhance productivity and responsiveness. By identifying these areas, we can devise data-driven strategies and agile practices that not only solve current problems but also unlock new avenues for innovation and growth in product development.

In the final stage, we combine our in-depth data analysis with agile principles to forge a shared vision for the design and development phase. This involves setting clear, data-backed objectives for product development and business transformation outlining an agile roadmap to achieve these goals.

Our collaborative approach ensures that the strategies we develop are aligned with your business objectives while being flexible and adaptive to change. With this shared vision, we move into the design phase, equipped with a robust, data-informed plan that’s executed through agile practices, ensuring continuous improvement and alignment with your business needs


Innovations for Business Goals

Our approach includes designing intuitive, easy-to-navigate dashboards and reports for data visualisation, delivering clear insights to foster impactful improvements.

In this initial stage, our data science consultancy leverages agile and product management principles to foster creative and efficient ideation. We engage with your team in dynamic brainstorming sessions, using agile methodologies to quickly identify and iterate on innovative data-driven solutions. Our expertise in product development ensures that every idea aligns with your business needs, focusing on actionable data insights and scalable solutions.

Building on the ideas generated, we enter the requirement gathering phase with an agile approach. Our team works closely with your stakeholders to meticulously detail both technical and business requirements. We employ user stories and agile frameworks to ensure that every requirement is clearly defined, prioritized, and aligns with the overall project goals.

Our team develops initial prototypes of the data frameworks, models, visualisation dashboards and reports. We then seek feedback from your team, testing the prototypes in real-world scenarios to ensure they meet your needs. This iterative process allows us to refine and improve the prototypes, ensuring the final product is both user-friendly and perfectly aligned with your business objectives.


Upskilling while we Build

We providing immersive training and mentorship throughout the delivery of the work, preparing your team for utilisation of these advanced instruments and the ability to develop them further.

We employ advanced data science techniques and agile methodologies to ensure each solution is robust and effective. Our testing protocols are rigorous, emphasizing functionality, reliability, and scalability. This targeted approach guarantees that the solutions we deliver are not only built to the highest standards but also thoroughly vetted to meet the specific demands of our clients.

As we begin implementing our solutions, we have a particular focus to significantly boost the technical skills of your staff, particularly in data science and agile methodologies. We emphasize a deep understanding and proficient use of advanced data analytics tools, machine learning algorithms, and agile principles.

Our training is designed to build a robust foundation, enabling your team to skilfully leverage these technologies and methodologies. This ensures they are not only comfortable but also excel in applying these skills in a dynamic business environment

The final phase of our approach is centered around preparing your team for future challenges. This involves not just using the tools effectively but also fostering an environment of innovation and adaptability. We encourage your staff to think creatively, explore new possibilities, and devise innovative solutions.

Our goal is to ensure that your team is not only adept at handling current tasks but is also equipped to adapt and evolve as new challenges and technologies emerge in the future.